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Vaccinations are one of the most important components of effective wellness care for pets. Bellevue Animal Hospital works with animal owners to provide individualized vaccine schedules based on your pet’s species, environment and lifestyle.
Canine Vaccinations
Rabies, DA2PP and Leptospirosis are considered core vaccines, while Bordetella and Canine Influenza are considered lifestyle vaccines. All dogs, cats and ferrets in Washington state must have up-to-date rabies vaccines. Rabies is a deadly virus that can affect any mammal, including people and pets. The Rabies vaccine that puppies receive at 16 weeks of age is good for one year; after that, the rabies vaccine is good for three years.
DA2PP protects against four primary canine diseases — distemper, adenovirus-2, parainfluenza and parvovirus. Because these diseases can be deadly and have no existing cures, regular vaccination is highly recommended to reduce your pooch’s risk, though it is not required by law.
Adenovirus-2 and Parainfluenza
Canine Influenza Vaccine
Feline Vaccinations
Like dogs, cats have core and lifestyle vaccines. FVRCP and Rabies are core vaccines. The American Association of Feline Practitioners believes Feline Leukemia should be a core vaccine for the first 2 years of a cat’s life. After 2 years of age, Feline Leukemia can become a lifestyle vaccination needed only by cats who go outside.
All dogs, cats and ferrets in Washington state must have up-to-date Rabies vaccines. Rabies is a deadly virus that can affect any mammal, including people and pets. Starting at 16 weeks of age, cats receive annual Rabies vaccines that are good for one year.
The FVRCP vaccine fights three feline viruses: rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. These, along with feline leukemia, are the most common fatal viruses that could threaten the health of your cat.